At Sha’alvim for Women we understand that every student’s journey is unique, and we are dedicated to providing personalized support for each of our girls. That’s why we have our innovative advisory program, led by our caring and committed Mechanchim and Mechanchot.
By having each of these teachers is responsible for a smaller group of girls, we ensure that every student has a Mechanech or Mechanechet by her side, serving as a dedicated “growth coach” throughout her academic year. Our Mechanchim are more than just teachers; they are mentors and cheerleaders fostering an environment where our students can flourish and reach their full potential.
The role of our Mechanchim is multi-faceted. Not only do they monitor academic progress, ensuring each student is learning the right things, but they also focus on personal development, encouraging our girls to think critically about their own growth. Our students have the opportunity to meet with their Mechanech/Mechanechet regularly, approximately every other week, adding an extra layer of support to ensure no one falls through the cracks. Our advisors always have an open door, providing a safe space for our students to express themselves, share concerns, and seek guidance.
Our program goes beyond individual meetings; it encompasses a vibrant community through various group events and activities. From the joyous Chanukah party and uplifting Shabbatonim to celebrating together during Purim Seudah and Chagigot, our Mechanchim actively engage with their chanichot throughout the year. Additionally, they join our students during Tiyulim and other exciting outings, fostering a sense of togetherness and camaraderie.
We deeply value the relationship between our Mechanchim and students, and that’s why our dedicated teachers go the extra mile, spending additional hours in the building to meet with their chanichot. This commitment exemplifies the heart of our program – genuine care, unwavering support, and a shared passion for nurturing each girl’s personal and academic growth.