At Sha’alvim for Women you will be empowered to become an independent Torah learner and Torah thinker, prepared for a life dedicated to Torat Yisrael, Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael. Rigorous, challenging shiurim, with incredible and inspiring teachers, in a caring and warm environment – together with other amazing and motivated young women – are complemented by outstanding ruach, tiyulim, and Shabbatonim. And all of this with the goal of helping you progress in your learning skills, study habits, and middot to shape your character and guide you throughout your life.
At SFW, our classes are geared not only to teach our students ideas, skills, and concepts necessary for the moment, but are focused on turning our students into lifelong learners and passionate Jews, who will continuously learn and grow throughout their lives.